Dear Zara

Dear Zara

You are 6 months today. I want you to know that you have changed my life in ways you will never know.

The past 6 months were the hardest six months of my life. I have cried, yelled, cried some more and had one mental breakdown after another. But through this I learnt that I am stronger than I thought. You gave me strength that I did not know existed.

Being a mother made me feel broken. But I realize that sometimes you have to be broken to be put  back together the right way. You are putting me back together. Every day that I spend with you a piece of me falls into place. Your smile and laughter is the glue that holds me together.

I want you to know that you are the most important part of me. You are pure joy and innocence. Somewhere along the way, I lost that part of me. Thank you for giving it back to me.

Please understand that, my feelings of self doubt of been a mom have nothing to do with the love I feel for you. The truth is I always felt lost before you. You have given me a piece of my identity. No matter what I do after you I will always be your mother first. And for that I am thankful to you.

I will love you forever Zara bear.

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